1. Manna from heaven came down.
Miraculous mystery from God.
Jesus said, “I am this bread…
Given for the life of the world.”
(Chorus 1) Eat Him.
He is the living bread.
Gain Him.
Oh what a supply!
Praise Him!
Only He satisfies.
The all-inclusive Christ.
2. Christ is the spiritual rock,
Smitten and cleft by our God.
Water of life flowed forth.
Now quenching all of our thirst.
(Chorus 2) Drink Him.
He is the fount of life.
Taste Him.
Oh sweet well of life.
Praise Him!
Never you’ll thirst again.
The all-inclusive Christ.
3. On the cross where He was nailed,
Both blood and water flowed out.
Redemption is fully paid.
Why not receive and enjoy.
(Chorus 3) Take Him.
Our Savior and our King.
Give Him,
The first place in us.
Praise Him!
One sacrifice for all.
The all-inclusive Christ.
4. He is the Spirit today.
Ready to make home in us.
Calling on Him is the way.
All of His riches to gain.
(Chorus 4) Breathe Him.
He’s the pneumatic One.
Touch Him.
Oh He is so near.
Praise Him!
Life-giving Spirit.
The all-inclusive Christ.