1. Jesus Christ is the rock smitten,
Who was struck to save me from sin.
Living water did from Him burst,
And streamed forth to allay my thirst.
(Chorus 1) He’s the rock who’s following me!
He just wants me to take a drink.
And now I am never alone!
I’m followed by this living stone.
2. When I’m thirsty to Him I speak,
Then He gives me abundant drink.
As the rock He is standing by,
To flow out to me His supply.
(Chorus 2) So I know wherever I go,
I can drink His life-giving flow.
He’s the rock who’s following me,
Giving His life abundantly.
3. If deep down you are feeling dry,
There’s a way to have His supply—
God wants you to speak to the rock,
All the time in your daily walk.
(Chorus 3) Open your mouth-speak to the Lord!
Then the water will be outpoured.
He’s the rock who’s following you,
Waiting to give you a drink true.
And we know wherever we go,
We can drink His life-giving flow.
He’s the rock who’s following us,
Flowing out His life bounteous.